Data Fields for Non-Inventory Sales Categories


A user-defined numeral with a maximum length of two digits numbered between 1 and 99.


A word or phrase describing the category being established.

Tax Code

The tax code determines whether or not the category being established is taxable or non-taxable. Click the down arrow to the right of the box for your options. These options are described as follows:

0 – Tax Exempt: Select tax code 0 if the category is non-taxable.

1 – Tax Rate 1: If the category is taxable and your business is located in the United States, select tax code 1. Tax rate 1 means that the tax rate 1 established in the Tax Authorities will be used when calculating the sales tax on sales of this category. Refer to 'Tax Authorities' under General Maintenance for more information.

2 – Tax Rate 2: If the category is taxable, your business is located outside of the United States where a two tier tax structure is in place and the tax rate 2 established in the Tax Authorities should be used when calculating the sales tax on sales of this category, select tax code 2. Refer to 'Tax Authorities' under General Maintenance for more information.

3 – Tax Rate 1 & 2: If the category is taxable, your business is located outside of the United States where a two tier tax structure is in place and both tax rates 1 and 2 established in the Tax Authorities should be used when calculating the sales tax on sales of this category, select tax code 3. Refer to 'Tax Authorities' under General Maintenance for more information.

Ledger# to Credit for Income

Enter the ledger number to credit for this non-inventory sales category. This would generally be an income account.

Hint: Press F6 in order to select the ledger number from your chart of accounts or to add the ledger number to your chart of accounts..